In 2012 I had a wild idea. What if.. my character physically grew up before your eyes? A full life spanning campaign. He would need siblings in case well.. he died, so the torch could continue. But, how riveting would it be when so much rides on every single dice roll?
The following is a collection of the work in progress for the Knight’s campaign, filled with conversions, ideas, completed companions and characters that will be in the full campaign. Enjoy browsing the collection as I work towards a special campaign for Warhammer Quest.
This is my favorite collection of miniatures on the internet. That knight and his progress is phenomenal.
Thank you Cecil! I think you’re going to like the updates in the coming fortnight 😉
Great job you’ve done there! I’m currently trying to convert some goblins for my army as I don’t much like the standard goblin regiment arms and heads, so I wanted to ask you about what bits you have used for your goblin horde? Particularly, the arms with bows and spears. Are there the beast men ungor arms?
Hi, thanks for checking out the site 🙂 The arms bows and spears use a combination of Night Goblin sleeves, with Ungor Hand and bows for the archers. I also use OOP Bretonnian spear hands for some of the halberd hafts. Heads come from a mix really, gnoblars and 40k Grots particularly. I modify the gnoblar heads using ears from the gretchin I dont use also. Look up posts with the Goblin tag throughout the site for some of the various WIP.
Thanks for the tip, Sebastian!
I’ve got you, please tell me about the ungor arms are they too long of the goblins to fit in directly? I’m in search of sleeveless arms by now, it seems very hard to find a proper match for the goblin regiment bodies.
Hi Igor, did you receive my email by chance?