“Noxious smoke lingers in a unkept temple space, long repurposed by malcontents and their foul magicks..” Warhammer Quest, Conjuror’s Den would suit both Necromancers and Goblin Shamans. With
Another Dungeon Room for adventures in Classic Warhammer Quest. (Click on Artwork for PDF) “Red vines enshrine a forgotten Dwarf Tomb, long bereft of care, and yet, power
A new dangerous tile for your warriors to encounter. Click on the image to download the PDF. Notes: Shield plate by Polynaut1, Acid and Skeleton by DnD Map
For a game over 20yrs old yet another discovery. I recently acquired this model: Whilst browsing for ideas, I noted most folks were doing the classic Templar routine
Meet Night Goblin Boss, Skrix the Scrounger. Or the ‘Beak from the Peak’ behind his back. A cunning raider and prophet of loot. Skrix won’t say it aloud,