Welcome to Eastern Empire, a hobby resource for the Greater Good and home to the collected works of Sebastian Stuart (Tael). Covering Tau, Warhammer Quest and fictional works set in the Warhammer universe.

Eastern Empire Tau Force

Curated over 17 years, the site has become a favourite amongst fans and resource for Warhammer Quest and Tau conversions. Projects that have featured in White Dwarf (313, 316, 319 and Canadian Issue 1 and French WD).

My collection is most well known for the ‘Tael Helm’, an inline head design for XV8s, the Stealth XV8, Shea’Shi and Naga’la alien auxiliary as well as an Urban Cadre featuring an array of unique drone designs and objective markers.

You can download the Cityfight Tau Article here.


Let’s not forget Ryu, the spokesperson for Happy Tau Sushi either.

Despite a year (2015) of misguided, automated and vicious online attacks, the website has rebuilt anew – as much content was lost, it can be replaced or re-written.

Welcome to Eastern Empire.
– Sebastian.