I’ve always loved the concept sketches for the Squig Herder in Games Workshop’s Warhammer Online game. After acquiring many bits, I began putting this chap together. I have
A little while ago I painted up several single figure pieces for Warhammer Empire, in the Helmgart colours which will be part of encounters for my Warhammer Quest
Dark Mechanicum Skitarii A small Warhammer 40k Dark Mechanicum model I finished with a Blanchitsu vibe thats all the rage in gothic hobby circles the past two years.
Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Space Marine Combat force Recently I began working on a Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader / Second Edition combat force using classic Space Marine metal
The podcast where I speak with BeardyHammer (OzDestro) about Warhammer Bretonnian Knights, The Scythes, Tau, Goblins and say Eros instead of Helios. Check it out on OzDestro.com Cheers
Recently I acquired a Warhammer 40k second edition Land Speeder. A fast attack unit that I have always wanted in my Imperial Guard. Something long pined for after