Well this is handy..

I have had good eyesight all my life and continue to do so; yet whilst watching many youtube painting videos, to get my head around the new paint ranges, I noted how many used one of these things. A magnified lens ring light.

Thought to myself, well that looks handy. Quick internet purchase, small wait and finally set up.

Well.. this is handy. As you can see now, I used Squig rider head, Empire Wizard hood, Bretonnian bowman chest and arms, Dwarf pouch, and clipped Gloomspite bow ends.


Should have done this way sooner. Likely about to update my quality of paint jobs, with details no one will ever see on the table top.

I jest, to be sure, greenstuff work will be even more accurate now I believe.

I have to complete gaps and fur on the new wolves, perfect project to get my sculpting skills back in line and try out this new tool.




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